What is NLP?

What  is Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)? NLP is a bit like an ‘owners manual’ for your brain.  At school and college, we learned wonderful things. However, we did not learn much about how to feel good, to become successful, to have great relationships and so on. You can use the NLP methods and insights to be more in charge of your thoughts and feelings.

Neuro linguistic programming techniques aren’t at all difficult. It is simply a careful selection of viable techniques and methodologies that are easy to comprehend and apply towards achieving excellence in your life.

One on one NLP coaching session with Chinatsu

  • personal growth
  • health and fitness
  • wealth
  • relationship
  • family issue
  • career development
  • emotional control
  • other subject available on request

Client Feedback

What’s so special about Chinatsu?

  • Chinatsu has a nature that attracts people. She has a charismatic energy that empowers others.
  • Chinatsu does not do things in half, she puts her all into everything she does.
  • Chinatsu has range of knowledge which isn’t limited to NLP.
  • Open minded and always ready to challenge and be challenged.
  • Her constant effort to learn more, be better and her willingness to improve.
  • Chinatsu is a strict coach but you can always sense she cares about you.
  • Willing to share her experience and skills.
  • Provides a wide variety of seminars.
  • Has experience of working in different cultures.
  • Professional and always willing to do her best for her clients.


Address Level 30, Six Battery Road, 049909 Singapore
Representative Chinatsu Yamazaki
Established in 20 August 2015
Capital SGD 120,000.00-
Business NLP Certification courses certified by American Board of NLP, Corporate Training Services, One on one coaching, Business and Management Consultancy Services
Contact contact@nlp-mastercoach.com


* Language English, Japanese
* Area Australia, Japan, Thailand, Singapore etc…  
               One on one coaching session on Skype is available worldwide!


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Family Name (English)



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Please tick a box if your information is correct. 上記内容でよろしければ、チェックを入れてください。

Concept: Fusion of brain cells and electronic program


An invisible world of brain cells controlling human beings
combined with a world of computer programs
creating this simple design.
電子プログラムというパソコンが伝達処理を行うための 電子回路を掛け合わせ、形状をわかりやすく簡略化し融合化させたデザイン。


This simplicity provides the crispness and elegance.


The hexagon has another concept of ‘diamond’ embedded.
The diamond provides spiritual power, physical strength and courage, it maximises
potential ability and amplifies energies to achieve the goal.
It is a symbol of wealth and fidelity.
マークの中に埋め込まれている6角には、もう一つのコンセプトが。 精神的、肉体的強さと自信、勇気を与え 潜在能力を引出し、オーラを強める要素を兼ね備え 目標を実現するために強い力を併せ持つと言われている 金剛石(ダイヤモンド)の意味も込められている。


Designed by Yui Tamai
ロゴデザイン:玉井 唯